1·The overall goal of her work has been to depict the world of the soul and the spirit, not to mirror concrete reality.
2·Naturalism sees each individual as inextricably bound to the environment and depicts each person as someone controlled by, instead of controlling, concrete reality.
3·That was not obvious in the first decades of the computer industry, but it is becoming a concrete reality.
4·Human nature is a category which differs from humanity and which is the dialectical unity of stability and variability, abstract ideality and concrete reality.
5·The article believed that, humans has the multiple meaning, in humans, the practice person which the philosophy significance person mainly refers to the concrete reality.
6·This thesis takes the grass-roots letters and visits system as a starting point. We analyze the concrete reality in this system and put forward several opinions on its design.
7·Either way, it's a concrete lesson in just how far removed the publishing industry can be from reality.
8·In fact, the key is not the question of theory model, but is the question of Chinese reality concrete linguistic environment to the intellectual who is engaged in the cultural criticism in China.
9·The ritual is we at the reality concrete matter, to life only fine only disciplining with self-control.
10·The second section mainly deals with the practice of the evaluation in reality, the original purpose of National Education Committee as well as the concrete implementing pattern in different areas.